Funeral Celebrant In Bath - Celebrations of Life
What Is A Funeral Celebrant?
It can be difficult to know who to ask to take a funeral or celebration of life. Some people ask a religious minister. Others prefer to lead the ceremony themselves or ask a friend.
But, if that's not what you want, you can engage a celebrant. Humanist celebrants conduct humanist (secular) ceremonies only. Independent celebrants can lead secular, religious or spiritual funerals - whatever best reflects the beliefs and values of the person who has died.
Your funeral director can find a celebrant for you but it's better to find your own. Search online and ask other people - it's a question of finding someone who has the right personality and style for you. Ring round, talk to a few celebrants, check how much they charge and see who you like best.
Funeral celebrants can also help you plan your own ceremony in advance. People often find this therapeutic, especially when they know they are approaching the end of their lives. It is also be very helpful to those arranging the funeral.
So if you need to plan a funeral ceremony or celebration of life, whether for yourself or someone else, get in touch and we can arrange a time to meet.
What Does A Funeral Celebrant Do?
My first step as a funeral celebrant is to meet you and any other family or friends you'd like involved. I like meeting in person, but am also happy to arrange a phone or video call.
I'll ask you to tell me about the person who has died- their story, your memories of them, the things and people they loved, their beliefs and what gave their lives meaning.
We'll talk about what you want for the ceremony itself - where you want to hold it, who will be there and what kind of 'shape' you want it to have. You may already have some clear ideas, but if not, I can help research options and suggest a structure.
If children are coming, we can think about how they might be involved.
It's very much a collaboration and I'll support you to take part as much as you want. However, I'm also happy to write and conduct the whole ceremony on your behalf if you prefer.

The shape of a funeral
How you structure a funeral or celebration of life is very much up to you. However, it works best if it has a shape and‘flows’.
You may not want all these elements, but this may be a helpful starting point for thinking about what you'd like.
- Opening music and Welcome: why we’re here and what to expect. It helps everyone settle and ‘sets the tone’ of the ceremony, whether formal, informal, heartfelt, celebratory, spiritual
- Tributes: celebratory words about the person who has died by one or several people. You might include an ‘open space’ in which anyone can speak. Visual tributes with photos or videos set to music can also work really well.
- Reflection: a time for people to think their own thoughts or listen to poetry or music. You might want to sing something or include a ceremony such as candle-lighting or laying flowers.
- The Farewell (Committal): This is the time of saying 'goodbye'. At a burial the body is lowered into the ground. At a crematorium the curtains may be closed.
- Closing words and music: words that bring the person back to mind and help everyone to end with a positive sense of gratitude and hope. Music that lifts the spirit. You might even raise a celebratory glass!
Writing The Script
After we've met, I'll send you a summary of what we've discussed and a draft script for you to change as you want.
If family or friends are speaking, I'll ask you to send their contributions to me so I can make sure that the whole service flows and, if necessary, check the timings. I'll also liaise with the venue and/or Funeral Director to make sure everything runs smoothly.
On the Day of the Funeral

Not even the final silence can put an end to love. Death does not extinguish it; to imagine it does is mistaken. Love escaped death’s clutches long ago.